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Some true facts about Nepal

There are 123 Languages (Mother Tongue) spoken in Nepal. Languages of Nepal
In span of 100 Kms going from South to North at any part of Nepal you can experience hot tropical climate to bone chilling Artic type weather.
Out of 14 Eight Thousanders (Mountains above 8000 Mts) 8 are in Nepal.Eight-thousander
Never been Occupied by a Foreign Military ever in its Entire History of Existence.
Nepal is the only country with altitudinal variation that ranges from 70 meters to 8848 meters. Geography of Nepal
Nepal has 8 % of the total species of birds found in the world.
The highest valley on earth (Arun valley)
Densest concentration of World Heritage Sites. Kathmandu valley alone has 7 World Heritage Cultural sites within a radius of 15 kilometers.Kathmandu Valley
Birthplace of Lord Buddha Lumbini
Previously was the Only Hindu Kingdom in the world.
Only nation with non-quadrilateral flag.
At one point of time, there were more statues of various Gods within Kathmandu Valley then there were people living there. (No one counted it but well it's thought to be true at least here)
Kaligandaki is the river older than the Himalaya. Therefore, it acts as a major ecological dividing line of the whole eastern and western Himalaya.
Because of its outstanding altitudinal variation, there are many opportunities to farm any plants from any parts of the world in Nepal.
Nepal is an Amazon of Asia. The hidden treasure of its rich biodiversity is not yet fully explored. Many new species could be discovered from Nepal.
Nepal harbors 5980 species of flowering plants which covers 2.4% of the world’s total.
Thirty six percent of the world’s Meconopsis species “poppy” including Blue Poppies are found in Nepal of which four are endemic, only found in Nepal. In Nepal, one of the Blue poppy grows as high as 5400-meter altitude. This is perhaps one of the highest limits for the poppy to be found in the world.
Nepal has more than 360 species of Orchid which constitute over 2% of the world’s orchid.
Nepal comprises 6% of the world’s rhododendron species.
Over 250 species of the flowering plants are endemic in Nepal (not found elsewhere)
Nepal has record of tallest grassland in the world that exists in Chitwan.
Sal tree forest Shorea robusta in Chitwan is considered the finest in the world
Nepal has one of the richest contribution and distribution of biomaterials in the world. Lots have yet to be explored for economic benefits of the country.
World in much sought after Ayurved. Nepal has an incredible wealth of medicinal and aromatic plants for the preparation of traditional and Ayurvedic medicines.
Genetic resources related to present day crop- species of Nepal has tremendous potential for improvement of numerous valuable plants.
Nepal has one of the largest concentrations of Royal Bengal Tiger in the world after India and Bangaldesh.
Second largest population of One-horned Rhino is found in Nepal.
Nepal has one of the best habitat for Snow Leopard
Sukla Phanta in West Nepal harbors the world largest herd of Swamp deer.
It is said that Nepal has largest moth in the world (Atlas Moth)
Some of the largest wild honeybees are found in Nepal.
The only natural breeding ground of the Long Snouted Gaviall crocodile exists in Nepalese river.
Nepal has nearly 870 species of birds, which arguably more than the whole continent of Europe and North Africa combined.
Nepal has 4.2% of the world’s butterfly species which is over 650 species of butterflies.
Shivapuri National Park at Budhanilkantha in Kathmandu is the only World’s National Park close to the capital and international airport.Shivapuri Nagarjun National Park
Over nineteen percent of the total country’s landmass is protected under National Park and Protected Area in Nepal.
Nepal is the leader of community forestry campaign in the world.Community forestry
The conservation effort undertaken by the local communities in the buffer zone areas such as Baghmara and Kumrose forest is the pride of the nation.
In many developing countries, park/people conflict is a major challenge, but in Nepal, this complex issue is amicably resolved.
Chitwan National Park and Everest National Park is listed in World Heritage Site.
Multi conceptual park management system was first successfully implemented in Annapurna Area and now ACAP is the world model for conservation and sustainable development.
During 70s, there were less than 80 rhinos in Nepal, now we have more than 500 remnants. This is undoubtedly an excellent result in the context of global wildlife conservation record.
In 25 years of conservation work, Nepal has managed to save Blackbuck from extinction, increase a very good tiger population, bring back endangered wildlife species such as Gharial, Indian bison, wild buffalo and many others to a healthy and viable population.
Kathmandu has one of the richest Buddhist icons in the world.
Religious tolerance and cultural harmony is the living force of Nepalese society.
Kathmandu is the living cultural museum of the world.
When America and Australia was not even born as a nation, Nepal built finest monuments which are now listed in World Heritage Sites.
The style of Pagoda was introduced in china and beyond by Nepali architecture Araniko in 12th century. Legend said that Chinese emperor Kublai Khan invited Nepalese architectures to build his palace Xanadu.
Nepal is known as the land of Living Goddess. Kumari (children)
Nepal is the country of Non Stop Festivals.
Birth place of Janaki Sita. Janakpurdham
Dolpo in Nepal is the last stronghold of Bonpo religion.
Mystic Bajrayana; an important Buddhist sect is found in Nepal
Nepal is the country of the highest mountain and deepest gorges.
Some of the highest permanent human habitat exists in Nepal.
Some of the highest placed lakes including Tilicho are found in Nepal.
Nepal has the second largest number of Everest summiteers.
Nepal has the second largest hydro power resources in the world.
Nepal is one of the best arenas for Extreme & Adventure Sport tourism such as mountaineering, cannoning, paragliding, mountain biking, kayaking, rafting, bungee jumping, high altitude marathon etc.
Karnali in Simikot is one of the best rivers in the world for kayaking and most of the upstream Nepalese rivers offer the best rapids for white-water rafting.
Elephant polo game was originated in Meghauli, Nepal. Tiger Tops in Nepal remains the headquarters of elephant polo and the site of the World Elephant Polo Championships.
One of the most popular trekking routes in the world is Annapurna circuit.
Nepal is one of the few countries, which has many airports as per the size of the country. (Total # 48, Paved and UnPaved Airports including that only work in summers time and the width of the country is only 1024 KMS from East To West) List of airports in Nepal
Nepal has higher number of repeated visitors than any countries of South Asia.
Nepal was never colonised.

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