The Nepal flag is the only national flag that is not quadrilateral
in shape. It is made of two triangles. The triangles are said to
represent Hinduism and Buddhism. They also represent the Himalayan
Mountains.The abominable snowman, also known as the yeti, is a legendary
apelike creature that is believed to frequent the high valleys of Nepal.Namaste is the standard greeting in Nepal. It can mean Hello, Good
Bye, Thank You but translates to “I salute the God in you.” People put
their palms together and then bow their forehead, and say “Namaste.”Nepali time is 45 minutes off of the Coordinated Universal Time. The
time in Nepal is based off of Mt Everest, and not the time zone lines.Hinduism and Buddhism are the two main religions.Cows are sacred in the Hindu religion and cannot be killed. Once a
cow stops providing milk they are often released and the community is
responsible for feeding her. Cows roam all over Nepal, even in the busy
city of Kathmandu. Many people have water buffalo for milk, manure and
meat.Since cows are sacred, so is their manure. It is common practice to
clean the home with water and cow manure, to clean and bless it at the
same time.Nepali is the chief or official language. There are many ethnic
groups in Nepal and they speak hundreds of different languages. Not
accents, but languages. Sometimes Nepali people can’t communicate as
they speak different languages.Marijuana plants grow in gardens, on the side of the road, in
ditches, on mountainsides, pretty much everywhere in Nepal. It’s…well, a
weed.It is the year 2072 in Nepal. They celebrate the new year on April 13th.Nepal has the only living goddess in the world, the Kumari. Kumari
means virgin in Nepali and is the tradition of worshiping young
pre-pubescent girls as manifestations of the divine female energy in
Hindu religious traditions. About 90% of marriages in Nepal are arranged and the bride and groom
will usually not meet or see each other before the wedding day.
Although, ‘love’ marriages (choosing your own partner) are becoming
slightly more popular. Most of the power in Nepal comes from hydro-power, but it is not very reliable.
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